Wednesday, March 10, 2021


This is a "mimic" poem on Denise Levertov's "Stepping Westward". Apologies in advance to Denise Levertov fans. ;-) - Amy Violet What is violet in me Deepens, amethyst. All is royalty passion, sensuality. To be a wild woman, Of freedom, of fantasies, And love. Stroking skin, Crushed velvet Soft and supple.


Amy Kelly said...

Just to let folks know...I delete non relevant or ad related posts as soon as I find them. ;-) Just don't do it! :-)

Unknown said...

Nice colors! also the people that drop unrelavent posts aren't people, they're spambots, so they wont listen to that post. If you want to stop spambots you can turn on word verification in the settings of your blog to confirm the only comments left in your blogs are left by people. if you need help figuring it out gtalk me!